I learned not to give into peer pressure. I learned it early, and I learned it the hard way. It's very hard to say "No" to the boy you have a crush on, even if it is only
kindergarten.In kindergarten, our school day was separated into stations. One station, we learned about general school stuff. Another was playtime, another coloring, and another, an activity with the teacher. Each day we would start at a different station with our little group, and rotate stations every hour. I was in the red group. I loved red. We had a little colored piece of tape on our shoulders, announcing to everyone exactly which group we were in. I was very proud of my red tape. It made me feel important.On this particular day, my group's first station was with the teacher, Mrs. Barnes. She was young and pretty, and I thought she was a movie star. Everybody loved her.That day, we were shaking little jars or cream until they turned into butter. It was a very long process, but I didn't care because I got to sit two chairs away from Robert, the cutest boy in kindergarten. He knew I liked him, which is probably why it was me he picked on to pull a prank. He knew I'd do anything he asked. Mrs. Barnes left to answer the phone, and Robert whispered to me, "Hey, Kara! Ya know what you should do? Put your piece of tape upside down on Mrs. Barnes's chair. Come on, it'll be funny!"My little heart began to beat quickly. The other boys began grinned. I didn't want to do it, but I knew I'd be shunned by all of them if I didn't. I wanted them to like me. Especially Robert. I bit my lip as they egged me on. "Hurry, Kara! She's almost done with the phone!"After making sure that Mrs. Barnes wasn't looking, I peeled
the red tape off my shoulder and quickly placed it on the teacher's chair."Upside down!" Robert reminded me. I flipped the tape over and sat back down in my seat just as Mrs. Barnes hung up.Everyone at our table began shaking the jars of cream, trying to look inconspicuous. Mrs. Barnes grinned at us. "Look at you guys!" she said. "You're all doing such a fantastic job!" And she sat down.Carl, on of the boys, began to snicker, but Robert stomped on his foot to make him stop.The rest of the hour passed normally, and we went to the next station. All the kids noticed the red tape stuck to Mrs. Barnes's behind. Giggles could be heard all throughout the classroom. Our teacher noticed the laughter, but couldn't find the cause. Eventually, she finally asked us, "What is so funny?"Megan, the class tattle-tale, raised her hand and proclaimed, "I know!"
My eyes grew wide as saucers and Robert glared at her."There's tape on your butt!" Megan said matter-o-factly.Mrs. Barnes twisted around and peeled the traitorous tape off of her pants. Her face glowed red, her expression going at once from embarrassment to anger.Her eyes scanned the students, and fell on my shoulder. I was the only one without tape. I gulped, dreading what would happen next.With gritted teeth, Mrs. Barnes spoke. "Kara Lyn," she drawled, drawing out every word, just to torture me, "I'd like to see you outside."I silently stood up and began walking towards the door. I shuffled my feet, which felt as heavy as brick. Mrs. Barnes followed me outside like an executioner, and slammed the door.I swear that everyone in the classroom heard every word she screamed. Tears streaming down my face, I explained that Robert had pressured me to do it. She crossed her arms and told me to get back inside, but to send Robert out. I did as she said. Robert glared daggers at me as he walked out, looking betrayed. There was no chance he'd ever like me now. I wiped away my tears and realized the whole class was staring at me. They were grinning. One of the boys piped up, "Kara, that was the coolest thing anyone ever did."I started, and then smiled mischievously. "Thanks! Thought of it all by myself, too."
I didn't realize until after I wrote it that the two boys I mention with names were Robert and Carl. The same names of my two eldest brothers. I thought it was ironic.
cool story
You are a talented writer! I LOVE that story. I'm sure your parents loved reading it too. I've been hoping you would update your blog SOMEDAY! You need to keep all of us in the loop with what is going on in your life!
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